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It’s a Dog’s Life – Where Should Your Dog Stay Whilst You’re Away?

There are two main options available for the anxious dog parent leaving their pet; professional kennels or dog boarding. Which is the most suitable for your needs?


Kennels are run by professional staff who are used to dealing with many different breeds and temperaments of dog. In the past these places were often very sterile and intimidating but modern kennels are far more friendly and welcoming. They’re usually the cheaper option.

Dog boarding services are usually run by an individual or family who often already have their own dogs. Your pet pooch will temporarily become part of a different pack. As the service is bespoke and tailored to your dog it tends to be more expensive.

Exercise and routine

If your dog is used to freely roaming around the garden or countryside then the confines of kennels may be a shock to the system and they may become stressed.

Conversely going to doggy boarding may mean that your beloved pooch gets more exercise than they are used to (particularly if they’re usually a little lazy!).


If your dog is easily stressed by other dogs, changes in routine or finds it difficult to trust strangers then rotating staff members and flexible meal times at a kennel may cause behavioural problems.

Dog boarding is usually more bespoke and you can (and should) talk through your dog’s requirements and individual personality with the boarder. You need to check that they know what they are talking about and that they are familiar with your dog’s breed and aware of their quirks and any associated health problems.

There are pros and cons to either option and it really depends on how long you’re going to be gone, how much you are prepared to pay and the individual personality of your pet.

You know him or her better than anyone else, you know what’s best for them. Do some research about the options available in your area and NEVER send your dog to stay somewhere you wouldn’t dream of staying yourself.

Remember, they’re not just a pet. They’re part of your family.

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